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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Program to find factorial using 8051

Program to find factorial using 8051  :

MOV R1,#04 
MOV R0,#04 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Program to generate 50msec delay

26. Program to generate 50msec delay:

mov tmod,#01 ;select timer 0
here:mov tl0,#0fdh ;load tl0 with 0fdh
mov th0,#4bh ;load th0 with 4bh
cpl p1.5 ;compliment p1.5
acall delay ;call delay routine
sjmp here ;jump to here
delay:mov r1,#0c8h ;load r1 with data 0c8h
l1:setb tr0 ;set bit tr0
again:jnb tf0,again ;repeat till tf0=0
clr tr0 ;clear tr0
clr tf0 ;clear tf0
djnz r1,l1 ;decrement r1, jump to l1, if not equal to 0

Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-0

25;Program to implement BCD counter to count from 99-0 :

here:mov b,#99h ;move 99h to b
up:mov a,b ;move data from b to a
add a,#99h ;add 99h to a
da a ;decimal adjust accumulator after addition
mov b,a ;move data from b to a
mov p0,a ;move data from a to p0
acall delay ;call delay routine
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
cjne a,#0ffh,up ;compare a with 0ffh, if not equal , jump to location up
sjmp here ;jump to location here
delay routine:
delay:mov r1,#25h ;move 25h to r1
l3:mov r2,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r2
l2:mov r3,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r3
l1:djnz r3,l1 ;decrement r3, jump if not equal to 0 to l1
djnz r2,l2 ;decrement r2, jump if not equal to 0 to l2
djnz r1,l3 ; decrement r1, jump if not equal to 0 to l3

Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-99

24. Program to implement BCD counter to count from 0-99 :

here:mov a,#0h ;move 0 to a
up:mov p0,a ;move data fr
acall delay ;call delay program
inc a ;increment a
da a ;decimal adjust accumulator after addition
cjne a,#100,up ;compare a with 100, if not equal, jump to location up
sjmp here ;jump to location here
delay routine
delay:mov r1,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r1
l3:mov r2,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r2
l2:mov r3,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r3
l1:djnz r1,l1 ;decrement r1, repeat till r1=0
djnz r3,l2 ;decrement r3,repeat l2 till r3=0
djnz r2,l3 ;decrement r2, repeat l3 till r2=0
ret ;return

Program to count from 0-9

23. Program to count from 0-9 :

here:mov a,#0h ;move 0 to a
up:mov p0,a ;move data from a to port0
acall delay ;call delay routine
add a,#01 ;increment a
cjne a,#010,up ;compare a with 10, if not equal, jump to location up
sjmp here ;jump to location here
;delay routine
delay:mov r1,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r1
l3:mov r2,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r2
l2:mov r3,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to r3
l1:djnz r1,l1 ;decrement r1, repeat till r1=0
djnz r3,l2 ;decrement r3,repeat l2 till r3=0
djnz r2,l3 ;decrement r2, repeat l3 till r2=0
ret ;return

Program to find the square of an 8 bit number

22.Program to find the square of an 8 bit number :

mov dptr,#9000h ;load dptr with 9000h
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov b,a ;move data from a to b
mul ab ;multiply and b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov r0,a ;move data from a to r0
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov a,r0 ;move data from r0 to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here

Program to add two BCD numbers

21. Program to add two BCD numbers :

mov dptr,#9000h ;move dptr with 9000h
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
mov b,a ;move data from a to b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
add a,b ;add a and b
da a ;decimal adjust accumulator after addition
jc down ;if carry, jump to label down
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp last ;jump to label last
down:mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
mov a,#01h ;move data 01h to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from external memory location to a
last:sjmp last

Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1, Store FFh if 1, else store 00 in

20. Program to check whether a 4th bit of a byte is 1, Store FFh if 1, else store 00 in :

the same location
mov dptr,#9000h
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
jnb 0e3h,down ;jump to location down, if 4th bit of a is set
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov a,#0ffh ;move 0ffh to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp last ;jump to location last
down:mov a,#0h ;move 00 to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to external memory location
last:sjmp last

Program to convert ASCII to hex

19. Program to convert ASCII to hex :

ASCII codes 30 to 39 represent 0 to 9 in binary and 41 to 46 represent A to F. Therefore
if the ASCII code is between 30-39h then 30h is subtracted from the code. If the number
lies between A to F then 37h is subtracted from the code to get its binary equivalent
mov dptr, #9000h ;load dptr with address 9000h
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
clr c ;clear carry bit
mov r1,a ;move data from a to r1
subb a,#40h ;subtract 40h from a
jc l2 ;jump to location l2, if carry
mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
subb a,#37h ;subtract with borrow, 37h from a
sjmp here ;jump to location here
l2:mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
clr c ;clear carry bit
subb a,#30h ;subtract with borrow, 30h from a
here:inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
rep:sjmp rep

Program to find largest of n numbers

18. Program to find largest of n numbers :

mov r0,#10h ;move immediate data 10h to r0.
mov a,@r0 ;move data from internal RAM location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
dec r2 ;decrement r2
inc r0 ;increment r0
mov a,@r0 ;move data from internal RAM location to a
l2:push 0e0h ;save the content of a on stack
inc r0 ;increment r0
subb a,@r0 ;subtract content of internal RAM location from a
jnc down ;if no carry, jump to label down
mov a,@r0 ; move data from internal RAM location to a
sjmp d1 ;jump to location d1
down:pop 0e0h ;pop a from stack
d1:djnz r2,l2 ;decrement r2, if not zero, jump to location l2
inc r0 ;increment r0
mov @r0,a ;move data from a to internal RAM location
here:sjmp here

Program to count number of 1's in a given data byte

17. Program to count number of 1's in a given data byte :

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load dptr with 9000h
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r0,#0h ;load r0 with 0
mov r1,#8h ;load r1 with 8
clr c ;clear carry bit
up:rlc a ;rotate a left through carry
jnc next ;if no carry, jump to label next
inc r0 ;increment r0
next:djnz r1,up ;decrement r1, and jump to label next, if r1?0
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov a,r0 ;move data from r0 to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here

Program to divide an 8 bit no by another 8 bit number

16. Program to divide an 8 bit no by another 8 bit number :

mov r0,#26h ;load r0 with immediate data 26h
mov a,@r0 ;load a with data from internal RAM location(dividend)
inc r0 ;increment r0
mov b,@r0 ;move data from internal RAM location to b(divisor)
div ab ;divide a by b
inc r0 ;increment r0
mov @r0,a ;load internal RAM location with data from a
inc r0 ; increment r0
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
mov @r0,b ;move data from b to internal RAM location
here:sjmp here

Program to sort an array of 10 elements

15. Program to sort an array of 10 elements :

mov r3,#0ah ;load r3 with immediate data 0ah
dec r3 ;decrement r3
start:mov a,r3 ;move data from r3 to a
mov r0,a ;move data from a to r0
mov dptr,#9000h ;Load dptr with address 9000h
l1:movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r1,a ;move data from a to r1
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
clr c ;clear carry bit
subb a,r1 ;subtract with borrow, r1 from a
jnc next ;if no carry, jump to label next
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to external memory location
dec dpl ;decrement dpl
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to external memory location
inc dptr ;increment dptr
next:djnz r0,l1 ;decrement r0, if not equal to 0, jump to label next
djnz r3,start ;decrement r3, if not equal to 0, jump to label start
here:sjmp here

Program to search an element in an array

14. Program to search an element in an array :

mov r0,#05h ;Load r0 with immediate data 05h
clr a ;clear a
mov dptr,#9000h ;load dptr with address 9000h
mov r1,#0ah ;load r1 with immediate data 0ah
l1:mov a,#0h ;load a with 00
movc a,@a+dptr ;move data from code memory location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
inc dptr ;increment dptr
dec r1 ;decrement r1
cjne r2,#05h,l2 ;compare r2 with 05h, if not equal, jump to label l2
mov dptr,#900ah ;load dptr with immediate data 900ah
mov a,#0ffh ;laod a with immediate data 0ffh
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp here
l2:cjne r1,#0h,l1 ; compare r1 with 0, if not equal, jump to label l1
mov dptr,#900ah ;load dptr with 900ah
mov a,#0h ;load a with 00h
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here
9000h: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a

Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number

13. Program to multiply 16 bit number by 8 bit number :

mov r0,#11h ;load r0 with immediate data 11h
mov r1,#22h ;load r1 with immediate data 22h
mov r2,#33h ;load r2 with immediate data 33h
clr c ;clear carry bit
mov a,r0 ;move data from r0 to a
mov b,r2 ;move data from r2 to b
mul ab ;multiply and b
mov dptr,#9000h ;Load dptr with 9000h
movx @dptr,a ; move data from external memory location to a
mov r0,b ;move data from b to r0
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
mov b,r1 ;move data from r1 to b
mul ab ;multiply and b
add a,r0 ;add a and r0
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here
Input: 1122, 33

Program to find the LCM of two numbers

 12. Program to find the LCM of two numbers :

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load dptr with immediate data 9000h
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r0,a ;move data from a to r0
mov b,r0 ;move data from r0 to b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
l2:push 0e0h ;push a onto the stack
div ab ;divide a by b
mov r1,b ;move data from b to r1
cjne r1,#00,l1 ;compare r1 with 0, if not equal, jump to label l1
pop 0e0h ;pop a from satck
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp here
l1:pop 0e0h ;pop a from stack
add a,r2 ;add a and r2
mov b,r0 ;move data from r0 to b
sjmp l2
here:sjmp here
Input: 05 02

Program to interchange two blocks of data

11. Program to interchange two blocks of data :

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
mov r0,#04h ;Move immediate data 04 to r0
mov r1,#90h ;move immediate data 90h to r1
mov r2,#91h ;move immediate data 91h to r2
back:movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r3,a ;move data from a to r3
mov dph,r2 ;move data from r2 to dph
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov dph,r1 ;move data from r1 to dph
movx @dptr,a ;move data from external memory location to a
mov a,r3 ;move data from r3 to a
mov dph,r2 ;move data from r2 to dph
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov dph,r1 ;move data from r1 to dph
djnz r0,back ;decrement r0, if not equal to 0, jump to label back
here:sjmp here

Program to convert an 8bit Hex number to decimal number

10. Program to convert an 8bit Hex number to decimal number :

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
clr c ;clear carry bit
subb a,#0ah ;subtract with borrow, 0ah from a
jc over ;if carry, jump to label over
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
subb a,#064h ;subtract with borrow, 64h from a
jc d1 ; if carry, jump to label d1
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
mov b,#64h ;move immediate data 64h to b
div ab ;divide a by b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from external memory location to a
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
mov r3,a ;move data from a to r3
clr c ; clear carry bit
subb a,#0ah ;subtract with borrow, 0ah from a
jc d2 ;if carry, jump to label d2
mov b,#0ah ;Load b with immediate data 0ah
mov a,r3 ;move data from r3 to a
div ab ;divide a by b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp end1
d2:mov a,r3 ;move data from r3 to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp end1
d1:mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
mov b,#0ah ;load b with immediate data 0ah
div ab ;divide a by b
inc dptr ; increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
sjmp end1
over:mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here
end1:sjmp end1
Input: 0ffh
Output:02 05 05

Program to convert hex number to ASCII number

9.Program to convert hex number to ASCII number :

mov dptr,#9000h ; Load dptr with immediate data 9005h
movx a,@dptr ; Load dptr with immediate data 9005h
clr c ;clear carry bit
subb a,#0ah ;subtract with borrow, 0ah from
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
jc down ;if carry, jump to label down
add a,#07h ;add 07 to a
down:add a,#30h ;add 30h to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here
Output:34 35

Program to find the GCF of two numbers

8.Program to find the GCF of two numbers :

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
mov b,a ; move data from a to b
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
back:mov r1,b ;move data from b to r1
div ab ;divide a by b
mov a,b ;move data from b to a
jz mess ;if a=0, jump to label mess
mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
jmp back ;jump to label back
mess:mov dptr,#9005h ;Load dptr with immediate data 9005h
mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here
Input: 05 02

Program to generate Fibonacci series

7. Program to generate Fibonacci series :

mov r1,#0ah ;Load r1 with immediate data 0ah
mov dptr,#9000h ;load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
mov r0,a ;move data from a to r0
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
back:mov r2,a ;move data from a to r2
add a,r0 ;add a and r0
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
mov r3,a ;move data from a to r3
mov a,r2 ; move data from r2 to a
mov r0,a ; move data from a to r0
mov a,r3 ; move data from r3 to a
djnz r1,back ;decrement r1, if not 0, jump to label back
here:sjmp here
Output:00 01 01 02 03 05 08 0bh, 15h, 22h

6. Program to convert a decimal number to hex number :

mov dptr,#9000h ; Load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ; move data from external memory location to a
mov r2,a ;move data from r2 to a
clr c ;clear carry bit
subb a,#0ah ;subtract with borrow, 0ah from a
jc over ;if carry, jump to label over
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
anl a,#0f0h ;and a with 0f0h
swap a ;swap a
mov b,#0ah ;move 0ah to b
mul ab ;multiply and b
mov r3,a ;move data from a to r3
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
anl a,#0fh ;move 0fh to a
add a,r3 ;add a and r3
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to external memory location
sjmp here
over:mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here

To transfer a block of data from one memory location to another

5. To transfer a block of data from one memory location to another :

mov r2,#0ah ;Load r2 with immediate data 05h
mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
mov r0,#0a0h ;Load r0 with immediate data 0a0h
mov r1,#00h ;Load r1 with immediate data 00h
mov a,#0h ; Load a with immediate data 00h
up:movx a,@dptr ;move data from external memory to a
push dph ;push dph on the stack
push dpl ;push dpl on the stack
mov dph,r0 ;move data from r0 to dph
mov dpl,r1 ;move data from r1 t dpl
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
pop dpl ;pop dpl from the stack
pop dph ;pop dph from the stack
inc dptr ;increment dptr
inc r1 ;increment r1
dec r2 ;decrement r2
cjne r2,#00,up ;compare r2 with 0, if not equal, jump to label up
here:sjmp here
I block:9000h: 01 02 03 04 05
II block:a000h:01 02 03 04 05( after block transfer)

Program to find the average of 10 numbers

 4: Program to find the average of 10 numbers:

mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
clr a ;Clear a register
mov 0f0h,a ;move data from a to b
mov r1,#05h ;move 05 to r1 register
up: movx a,@dptr ; ;move data from external memory location to a
add a,0f0h ;add a and b
mov 0f0h,a ;move the result to b
dec r1 ;decrement r1
inc dptr ;increment dptr
cjne r1,#00h,up ;compare r1 with 0, if not equal, jump to label up
mov a,0f0h ;move data from b to a
mov 0f0h,#05h ;move 05h to b
div ab ;divide a by b
mov dptr,#09005h ; Load 9005h into dptr register
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
mov a,0f0h ;move data from b to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to external memory location
here:sjmp here

3: ASCII to BCD conversion:

To convert ASCII to packed BCD, it is first converted to unpacked BCD(to mask 3) and
then combined to make packed BCD. For example, for 4 and 5 the keyboard gives 34 and
35, respectively. The goal is to produce 45h, which is packed BCD.
;ASCII to packed BCD conversion

mov r0,#10h ;R0=10h,Internal memory adress
mov a,@r0 ;a=hex value of Ist ASCII number
anl a,#0fh ;mask upper nibble
swap a ;swap upper and lower nibble of a
mov b,a ;save the number in B
inc r0 ;Increment R0
mov a,@r0 ;Get the next number from memory
anl a,#0fh ;Mask Higher nibble
orl a,b ;Or a & B
inc r0 ;Increment memory address to store the result
mov @r0,a ;Move the content of A to internal RAM location
here:sjmp here

Program to convert a BCD number to ASCII

2. Program to convert a BCD number to ASCII using 8051 :

To convert packed BCD to ASCII, it must first be converted to to unpacked BCD. Then the unpacked BCD is tagged with 30h.
mov dptr,#9000h ;Load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ;Move the content of location 9000h to a
mov r2,a ;Move the data from a to r2
anl a,#0f0h ;And a with 0f0h
swap a ;Swap a
orl a,#30h ;Or a with 30h
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move the data from a to memory location
mov a,r2 ; Move the data from r2 to a
anl a,#0fh ; And a with 0fh
orl a,#30h ;Or a with 30h
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ;move the data from a to memory location
here:sjmp here
Input: 45
Output:34 35

Program to add two multibyte numbers



1.Program to add two multibyte numbers using 8051 .

mov r4,#0h ;move 00 to r4
mov r3,#0h ;move 00 to r3
mov dptr,#9000h ; Load 9000h into dptr register
movx a,@dptr ;move the data from memory location to a register
mov r0,a ;move the data from a to r0
inc dptr ;increment dptr

movx a,@dptr ;move the data from memory location to a
mov r1,a ;move the data from a register to r1
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ;move the data from memory to a
mov r2,a ;move the data form a to r2
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx a,@dptr ; move the data from memory location to a register
clr c ;clear carry bit
add a,r1 ;add a and r1
jnc res ;if no carry, jump to label res
mov r3,a ;move data from a to r3
mov a,r0 ;move data from r0 to a
addc a,r2 ; add with carry and r2
jnc end1 ;if no carry, jump to label end1
inc r4 ;increment r4
ajmp end1 ;jump to label end1
res:mov r3,a ; move data from a to r3
mov a,r0 ; move data from r0 to a
add a,r2 ;add a and r2
jnc end1 ; if no carry, jump to label end1
inc r4 ;increment r4
end1:mov r5,a ;move data from a to r5
mov dptr,#900ah ;load 9000h into dptr register
mov a,r4 ; move data from r4 to a
movx @dptr,a ;move data from a to memory location
mov a,r5 ;move data from r5 to a
inc dptr ;increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to memory location
mov a,r3 ; move data from r3 to a
inc dptr ; increment dptr
movx @dptr,a ; move data from a to memory location
here:sjmp here
Input Location:9000h,9001h,9002h,9003h
Output Location:900ah
Input Data: 1111 1111(hex)
Output : 2222h
2 nd method
mov r1,#0ffh ;load r1 with immediate data
mov r2,#0ffh ; load r1 with immediate data
mov r3,#0ffh ;load r1 with immediate data
mov r4,#0ffh ;load r1 with immediate data
clr c ;Clear carry bit
mov a,r1 ;move data from r1 to a
add a,r4 ;add a and r4
mov 31h,a ;move data from a to internal RAM location 31h
mov a,r2 ;move data from r2 to a
addc a,r3 ;add with carry a and r3
mov 32h,a ; move data from a to internal RAM location 32h
mov a,#00 ;Clear a register
addc a,#00 ;add with carry and 0
mov 33h,a ; move data from a to internal RAM location 33h
here:sjmp here

Sunday, 17 March 2013

HOW TO PROGRAM 8051 ????



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>BAUD-timer value caluculation


>RIDE-software simulation CLICK


>PROTEUS-fully embedded simulation software CLICK

Tutorial for doing ur first program using keil uvision  click
 .Install sofware on your system
Click Project -> New Uvision Project
Save your project
Select Target Device (8051 – AT89s51)
File -> New


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

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Monday, 11 March 2013



Friday, 1 March 2013

How web browser works.........